Friday, February 8, 2008


I really enjoy communication. I enjoy both talking and listening, both writing and reading it, and especially old fashioned communication like letters and phone calls-they are the best. I'm not sure why, but the movie Little Women comes to my mind as I type this. I LOVE that movie, I love how important family and relationships were in that movie and how there were less distractions to take them away from those important gifts from God. Don't get me wrong, I really really really appreciate technology ALOT, sometimes too much...just trying to find the balance. I think I'd be okay without it. I don't remember actually ever reading this book, but I could probably identify with "Sarah Plain and Tall" (even though I'm not so tall)'s the simple things in life that I find great joy in, yippee.

*Random* I'm reading in Exodus and it is SO dog on good. Many thoughts about that right now...

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