Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I did it!

What? you may be asking.

I bought my first pair of running shoes today. And anyone that knows me well enough will tell you I did not spend that much money on a pair of shoes for nothing...which means I am officially going to run a half marathon in November. There is no need to laugh at this point, I've laughed enough for all of us at the thought, running is not fun whatsoever! My body tells me that I can't do it, but my self-determination and pride always wins when I have any thoughts to myself saying "I can't", or "I won't" do something. I love a good challenge...and I think it will ultimately draw me closer to God. Yep. :)

Who would have ever thought they watch you run on a treadmill and record it at sports stores to figure out what running shoe style you need? And that's exactly what had happened. Crazy.

I've always wanted to do something like this but never had the kick in the butt I need or consistent accountability for training...until now. I have a friend who I am getting to know(not the only awesome runner I know), she is a runner, a very gracious runner who is convincing me that I can do it, even though I am out of breath after running for 5 minutes...or walking for that matter. It will be fun. I keep telling myself this.

SUBJECT CHANGE: I am excited about the upcoming travels in my path. I leave Friday for New Mexico with three other really cool people. A friend of mine who I really really admire and appreciate more than she knows, is going to New Mexico to intern there as a Nurse Midwife student...for 2 months. While I am so excited for her and the opportunities she will have to be a witness and light there(and learn), I am dealing with my selfishness in being very very sad she is leaving. I look up to her very much, and it helps to have someone here who understands what work is like(she works on the same floor as I do), but God has a great plan for us that wins! :)

HAITI: I am going back to Haiti in February. For some reason when I think about Haiti or try to communicate up here about it, I am speachless. I have no clue how to spill my heart and thoughts about it. I am excited nonetheless and feel very unprepared for this trip so far. I am praying that God would continue to give me purpose in taking me back there, and would appreciate it if you would pray for the same.

LASTLY: My best friend is coming in town and I will get to hang out with her next week...for her birthday!!! Lots of fun things are gonna happen. Just thought I'd end on a wonderful wonderful thought. :) Thanks for reading if you made it this far...sorry nothing too insightful was in this blog.


The Wonderful World of Kinas said...

I just bought my first pair of running shoes about a month ago...more power to you!

Ashley said...

yeah for fun things! i miss you like crazy and can't wait to have a Bean There chat that lasts ALLLLL day! love you best friend!

Anonymous said...

Kristi, I finally read your blog. You're so sweet! I look up to you a whole lot too, you have a way of gently saying those things that my conscience knows but myself doesn't want to listen to. I miss you tons and can't wait to get together for coffee when I get back. I'm sure it's going to be me buying, I only have 3 pididles so far... :)

BeckysueK said...

dont be one of those losers who runs-havent you heard that is bad for you...?

Ashley said...
