I returned from Haiti a couple of weeks ago. We were able to get bunk beds for the kids at Orphanage on the Rock in Ouanaminthe, Haiti. It was great, they loved them...and so did we! No more sleeping on the floor. The scripture that continues to pound my thoughts from the very get go of finding out that we raised the money for the bunk beds is...
James 1:17 "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."
Praise God for providing good gifts. I am often overwhelmed by the goodness of God, from the giving of his son Christ Jesus, so that I may have life...to a much needed, simple, 2 hr conversation with a friend that leaves me challenged and encouraged to be a child of God and all that it entails. Not just some good gifts are from God...EVERY good and perfect gift is from my heavenly Father. I praise God for the good work being done in Haiti, and for the simple goodness He provides me with day in and day out.
From a grateful heart...
The hard part is to realize too that even the gifts we don't consider "good" are from Him too...everything in our lives has crossed His desk..."while He has His feet up!"
Love you and your "sweet and simple" heart! :)
p.s. Our girls are getting bunk beds tomorrow...looking forward to showing them these pictures and the story of other kids who got bunk beds! :)
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