Monday, April 14, 2008

Mountains Beyond Mountains

I'm reading this book by Tracy Kidder called Mountains Beyond Mountains(it has won a Pulitzer prize). It's rocking my face and has been for quite some time. I recommend it to anyone who has a heart(this book will capture it) or is interested in health care in other countries. It's about the life of a Dr. by the name of Paul Farmer, and I've never read about anyone who is more of an advocate for the poor, namely, the Haitian poor of Cange. I want the passion this man has along with other characteristics I think are admirable. Really, I want a passion to serve others like him(in any capacity)...except with the Gospel of Christ at the forefront of all I do and being the purpose of all "I do" in this life.

I want to give like he gives to those really in need with wisdom and faith as my motivation. That's all, it's a really good book. Really.

One day...

1 comment:

BeckysueK said...

miss your face...i hate tests...and i cannot wait to boogie with you soon.
PS- i started that book a year ago and I am determined to finish it! You will probably beat me to it though, so when I do finish it we can have a cup of coffee out by the river and chat it up about how we will never be like Paul Farmer no matter how hard we try! sound cool!?!?!? :)